Waste & Loss – Regione Lombardia

Audio in presa diretta Davide Debenedetti / FILMICO

Trailer to our edutainment film (full version: 20 mins) addressed to the students of middle school in Regione Lombardia (Milan area).
The project focuses on food waste and food loss and it is part of the current year’s ministerial program of learning.
The Jack Stupid wrote and produced the film, as well as an interactive game where students can apply what they learned.


Creatività – The Jack Stupid
Regia – Matteo Di Gioia
Produzione – The Jack Stupid
Post – Produzione – The Jack Stupid
Producer – Chiara Di Michele, Alessia Gualla
DoP – Pietro Agostini, Stefano Brandolini
Location Sound – Davide Debenedetti, Lorenzo Di Tria
Sound fx & mix – Chris Gramaglia